459 ressource(s) trouvée(s)

Légende :

  • 6-11 Primaire
  • 12-17 Secondaire
  • 18+ Postsecondaire
  • C Collégial
  • U Universitaire
  • FGA Formation générale des adultes
  • FP Formation professionnelle
  • Enseignants
  • Intervenants scolaires
  • Parents
  • Professionnels
  • Apprenants
Introduction to Privacy
protection des renseignements personnels
Introduction to Privacy

Participants will explore their individual sense of privacy and the impact it has on their own lives. [...]

Introduction to Reputation
empreinte numérique
Introduction to Reputation

Participants will consider how publicly available online information helps form others’ opinions about [...]

Social Media and Sharing
éducation aux réseaux sociaux
Social Media and Sharing

Participants will think about privacy in terms of how they share information and communicate with others [...]

Managing Communication
éducation aux réseaux sociaux protection des renseignements personnels
Managing Communication

Participants will explore what kinds of information might be best kept “private,” how to customize [...]

The Internet and You: The Internet and Chet
utilisation responsable du numérique
The Internet and You: The Internet and Chet

It has become a crucial skill for students to navigate the Internet successfully. Students will be [...]

Online Presence
protection des renseignements personnels
Online Presence

Participants will be able to identify one type of personal information they can manage online, one form [...]

Safety, Privacy, and Digital Citizenship: Introductory Materials
empreinte numérique cybersécurité
Safety, Privacy, and Digital Citizenship: Introductory Materials

Young people use technology in every aspect of their personal lives. To empower young people to be [...]

Healthy Relationships Online
nétiquette éducation aux réseaux sociaux
Healthy Relationships Online

Participants will explore qualities that constitute healthy and kind relationships as well as how online [...]

Being a Good Digital Citizen
Being a Good Digital Citizen

In this video, you’ll learn more about what you can do to be a good digital citizen.

We the Digital Citizens
We the Digital Citizens

Video that explains how to be a good digital citizen

Media Balance Is Important
Media Balance Is Important

The Digital Citizens explore the concept of media balance, teaching students how to be mindful of their [...]

Pause & Think Online
nétiquette cybersécurité
Pause & Think Online

From our head down to our toes, and our feet up to our nose, the Digital Citizens teach students how to [...]

Saying Goodbye to Technology
utilisation responsable du numérique
Saying Goodbye to Technology

Students learn to pause, breathe, and finish up whenever they have to say goodbye to technology!

My Online Neighborhood
My Online Neighborhood

The power of the internet allows students to experience and visit places they might not be able to see [...]

Rings of Responsibility
utilisation responsable du numérique
Rings of Responsibility

In the online world, we might think about how what we do affects ourselves. But what about others? In [...]

Private and Personal Information
protection des renseignements personnels
Private and Personal Information

It's in our nature to share and connect with others. But for kids, sharing information online can come [...]

My Media Balance
utilisation responsable du numérique
My Media Balance

Every day, we make choices about the media we consume and create. But do our students actually [...]

What's Cyberbullying?
What's Cyberbullying?

It's an unfortunate truth of the internet: Some online spaces can be full of negative, rude, or [...]

Reading News Online
crédibilité des sites Web
Reading News Online

Kids find online news in lots of different ways. But studies show they're not very good at interpreting [...]

Teen Voices: Friendships and Social Media
éducation aux réseaux sociaux
Teen Voices: Friendships and Social Media

Many middle schoolers use social media to connect with friends, share pictures, and stay up to date. [...]

Nine Elements to Digital Citizenship
communication empreinte numérique cyberintimidation bien-être compétences informationnelles cybersécurité droit d'auteur publicité numérique achats en ligne
Nine Elements to Digital Citizenship

Video that presents 9 elements to digital Citizenship