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Nom URL Adresse Année de création Public cible Aspects ciblés de la citoyenneté Concepteur Description
Expliquer les dangers aux enfants 49 rue de la Vanne 92120 Montrouge, France Primaire et Parents cybersécurité Witigo Ce site présente six choses que les enfants doivent connaître concernant les dangers présents sur Internet.
Ruff Ruffman Humble Media Genius Boston, États-Unis Primaire, Enseignants et Parents utilisation responsable du numérique WGBH Educational Foundation With generous support from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, WGBH brings you this media literacy project for kids 6-11. This is a pilot – a test – with Ruff Ruffman videos looking at the red-hot topic of how kids can and should use media and technology. Our first videos focus on texting, sharing photographs, using search, and finding an appropriate balance of technology use.
Digital Literacy: Communication Skills Webwise, Invent Centre, Dublin City University, Ireland 2018 Enseignants nétiquette As a teacher, you can help your students to become competent and responsible digital citizens that can navigate the intricacies of communication now part of the digital environment.
Dealing with Cyberbullying in Schools Webwise, Invent Centre, Dublin City University, Ireland 2018 Enseignants cyberintimidation Cyberbullying, the targeting of someone through the use of technology, is quickly outpacing the traditional forms of bullying. And the internet is its battlefield.
Explained: What is False Information (Fake News)? Webwise, Invent Centre, Dublin City University, Ireland 2018 Enseignants crédibilité des sites Web Experts now recommend avoiding the term ‘fake news’, or at least limit its use, as the term ‘fake news’ is closely associated with politics, and this association can unhelpfully narrow the focus of the issue. The term ‘false information’ is preferable as it can refer to a diverse range of disinformation covering topics such as health, environmental and economics across all platforms and genres, while ‘fake news’ is more narrowly understood as political news stories.
Digital Literacy Skills: Finding Information Webwise, Invent Centre, Dublin City University, Ireland 2018 Enseignants crédibilité des sites Web The internet has provided us with a wealth of information at our fingertips. The problem with this is, we almost have too much information to choose from. It is sometimes difficult to sort between real information, misinformation, opinions, and bias. Most of us rely on search engines to do the sorting for us but this also isn’t enough. Students need to know how to search accurately and then to evaluate the information they find, our critical thinking guide will help you develop these skills.
Help your students manage their online reputation Webwise, Invent Centre, Dublin City University, Ireland 2016 Enseignants empreinte numérique Steps to follow to help students use social media correctly
Tips for Setting and Collecting Homework Online Webwise, Invent Centre, Dublin City University, Ireland 2015 Enseignants crédibilité des sites Web In this article we look at some of the main considerations for setting/collecting homework online and offer advice on managing homework in a safe online environment.
Copyright, Plagiarism and Other Web Safety Issues Webwise, Invent Centre, Dublin City University, Ireland 2018 Enseignants et Parents cybersécurité, droit d'auteur et utilisation responsable du numérique The internet has brought about staggering changes in the way information is gathered. Now, in just the click of a button, reams of statistics, stories and anecdotes can be accessed in seconds online.
My Child is a Cyberbully, What Do I Do? États-Unis Parents cyberintimidation Webroot Here is a list of steps to consider when helping your child change their behavior.
Webetic - La vie privée Bélgique Parents droit à l'image Webetic Page web sur la vie privée - Conseils pour les parents.
Webetic - Le cyber-harcèlement Bélgique Parents cyberharcèlement Webetic Page web sur le cyberharcèlement - Conseils pour les parents.
Webetic - Réseaux sociaux Bélgique Parents éducation aux réseaux sociaux Webetic Page web sur les réseaux sociaux - Conseils pour les parents.
Webetic - Jeux en ligne Bélgique Parents jeux en ligne Webetic Page web sur les jeux en ligne - Conseils pour les parents.
Webetic - Sécurité en ligne Bélgique Parents cybersécurité Webetic Page web sur la sécurité en ligne - Conseils pour les parents.
Webetic - La désinformation Bélgique Parents compétences informationnelles Webetic Page web sur la désinformation - Conseils pour les parents.
Webetic - Éducation aux médias Bélgique Parents éducation aux réseaux sociaux Webetic Page web sur l'éducation aux médias - Conseils pour les parents.
How to Teach Your Students 4246 Riverboat Rd, Taylorsville, UT 84123 2019 Enseignants communication, empreinte numérique, cyberintimidation, bien-être, compétences informationnelles, cybersécurité, droit d'auteur, publicité numérique et achats en ligne Wateford «What do screen time usage, internet safety, and plagiarism have in common? These topics all fall under the umbrella of digital citizenship. We live in a world that is connected and, in some ways, defined by technology. To succeed in academics, and eventually in their career, all students need to learn how to navigate the digital world safely and responsibly. As an educator, you can help by teaching digital citizenship in your class.
Aide : Dangers de l'internet États-Unis 2019 Primaire cybersécurité et utilisation responsable du numérique Vikidia Cette page explique aux enfants quoi faire s'ils repèrent un danger sur Internet.
Digital Citizenship Project 500 S State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, United States 2013 Primaire cybersécurité et utilisation responsable du numérique University of Michigan School of Education, Scarlett Middle School English Language Arts «The digital citizenship project began in 2013. The project is a collaborative project developed by the education technology instructors at the University of Michigan School of Education and the Scarlett Middle School English Language Arts instructors. The project is an IB (International Baccalaureate inquiry unit). The curriculum for the project is drawn from CommonSenseMedia, the International Baccalaureate Learner Profiles, Common Core State ELA Standards (via CommonSenseMedia alignment), ISTE Student NETS Standards, and the Ann Arbor Public Schools ELA learning outcomes. The students spend 2 to 3 school days participating in the project. The students work in purposeful teams (facilitated by the University of Michigan teaching interns) to develop digital posting guidelines around being safe, responsible and empathetic online. Their conversations continue in their ELA classes where they focus on digital citizenship as part of their word generation units. »
Université Laval - Faculté des sciences de l’éducation (FSÉ) - Faire une recherche, ça s’apprend ! 2325 Rue de l'Université, Québec, QC G1V 0A6 Enseignants compétences informationnelles Université Laval (M. Mottet) Ce site offre aux enseignants du primaire et du secondaire une méthode et des outils pratiques pour guider leurs élèves dans une démarche efficace de recherche sur Internet.