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Nom URL Adresse Année de création Public cible Aspects ciblés de la citoyenneté Concepteur Description
Comprendre et utiliser Internet France Secondaire cybersécurité, éducation aux réseaux sociaux, jeux en ligne et utilisation responsable du numérique Canopé Académie d'Amiens Canopé Académie d'Amiens met en ligne un espace destiné aux jeunes, aux parents et aux enseignants pour apprendre à utiliser Internet et les outils numériques de manière raisonnée, en toute sécurité.
Creative Commons PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042 Enseignants et Formation professionnelle cybersécurité - L'organisme Creative Communs offre de la documentation sur les licences de droit d'auteur qu'ils ont créées.
Enhancing Child Safety and Online Technologies États-Unis Enseignants et Parents cybersécurité - Final Report of the Internet Safety Technical Task Force to the Multi-State Working Group on Social Networking of State Attorneys General of the United States.
« Connais-moi, échappe-toi », un jeu d’évasion autour des données personnelles France Enseignants empreinte numérique et protection des renseignements personnels 43273 Jeu sérieux pédagogique qui vise à sensibiliser les joueurs aux traces laissées sur les réseaux numériques et à la protection des données personnelles.
Social Media and Sharing États-Unis 2016 Secondaire et Collégial éducation aux réseaux sociaux Digital Citenship +, Resource Platform Participants will think about privacy in terms of how they share information and communicate with others online, specifically regarding social media use. They will be able to explain trade-offs in privacy in the context of social media and learn how to use online privacy settings effectively.
Managing Communication États-Unis 2016 Secondaire et Collégial éducation aux réseaux sociaux et protection des renseignements personnels Digital Citenship +, Resource Platform Participants will explore what kinds of information might be best kept “private,” how to customize privacy settings on social media, and how to explain their decision-making process for their settings (e.g., why certain content is set to "friends only" vs. a "public" setting).
Introduction to Privacy États-Unis 2016 Primaire et Secondaire protection des renseignements personnels Digital Citenship +, Resource Platform Participants will explore their individual sense of privacy and the impact it has on their own lives. Participants will consider the kinds of information they would like to keep private and the contexts in which they will / won’t share specific information.
Introduction to Reputation États-Unis 2016 Secondaire et Collégial empreinte numérique Digital Citenship +, Resource Platform Participants will consider how publicly available online information helps form others’ opinions about them. They will identify audiences for different types of online communication, consider what information they want to appear when someone searches for their name, and learn various ways to respond to Internet content about them they do not like.
Collecting Personal Data États-Unis 2017 Secondaire cybersécurité et protection des renseignements personnels Digital Citenship +, Resource Platform This learning experience contains an offline activity, with a challenge that requires a computer or mobile device with Internet access.
Cybersecurity, Phishing, and Spam États-Unis 2016 Secondaire et Collégial cybersécurité Digital Citenship +, Resource Platform Participants will learn about malicious online users who might attempt to use security weaknesses to gather information about them. Participants will be able to describe some of the security risks associated with being online, develop strategies to engage in safer behaviors, identify spam messages, and explain who should ask for their password.
Healthy Relationships Online États-Unis 2012 Secondaire nétiquette et éducation aux réseaux sociaux Digital Citenship +, Resource Platform Participants will explore qualities that constitute healthy and kind relationships as well as how online behaviors play a role in both healthy and unhealthy relationships. Participants will also examine the opportunities and challenges around the intersection between social media and relationships in their own peer group and learn how to promote upstanding among their peers.
The Internet and You: The Internet and Chet États-Unis 2016 Secondaire utilisation responsable du numérique Digital Citenship +, Resource Platform It has become a crucial skill for students to navigate the Internet successfully. Students will be exposed to the Internet’s basic functionality, including communication, collaboration, creativity, and the cloud. They will learn the basics of search engines and how to use the Internet to solve everyday problems.
Navigating Internet Security États-Unis Secondaire cybersécurité Digital Citenship +, Resource Platform In this playlist learners explore how to better protect the integrity of their digital devices and information online by understanding the principles of effective password design, the risks and benefits of public Wi-Fi networks, and how to recognize and mitigate threats to online security, such as spam, malware, and phishing.
Online Presence États-Unis 2017 Secondaire protection des renseignements personnels Digital Citenship +, Resource Platform Participants will be able to identify one type of personal information they can manage online, one form of information they can’t totally control online, and one thing they can do about some aspect of their personal information online not directly controlled by them
Passwords États-Unis 2016 Secondaire et Collégial cybersécurité Digital Citenship +, Resource Platform Participants will learn how to keep their online information more secure by using and maintaining strong passwords. Participants will learn about the principles of strong password design and the potential problems of password sharing. They will also learn how to keep their passwords safe and how to take steps to prevent unauthorized access to their accounts.
Public Wi-Fi États-Unis 2018 Secondaire et Collégial cybersécurité Digital Citenship +, Resource Platform Participants will learn about public Wi-Fi networks and their benefits and risks. More specifically, they will learn to recognize unsecured Wi-Fi when it’s available to them, understand the tradeoffs inherent in using unsecured Wi-Fi and make informed decisions about when to connect to and use unsecured Wi-Fi.
Safety, Privacy, and Digital Citizenship: Introductory Materials États-Unis 2016 Secondaire empreinte numérique et cybersécurité Digital Citenship +, Resource Platform Young people use technology in every aspect of their personal lives. To empower young people to be better digital citizens, we must seek to integrate digital literacies into their educational lives as well. In engaging this dialogue, across subject areas, we must take into account the importance not only of coding literacy, but also of web literacy and privacy management more broadly. In terms of managing privacy among peers, web-fluent young people can be extraordinarily savvy; however, like many adults, they may also incur risks that are not immediately apparent to them, in part from a lack of understanding of how large and enduring their digital footprint can be.
Fact Checking 1961 East Mall, Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z1 Secondaire, Collégial et Universitaire crédibilité des sites Web Irving K Barber Learning Centre - Vancouver Campus Stratégies to shield yourself from fake news.
Online Research 1961 East Mall, Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z1 Collégial et Universitaire crédibilité des sites Web Irving K Barber Learning Centre - Vancouver Campus Online Research – posted by universityofleedsuk
Teaching digital citizenship with picture story books Des Moines, IA, USA 2018 Enseignants utilisation responsable du numérique et achats en ligne Eleni Kyritsis Teaching digital citizenship in a meaningful way can be daunting. These picture books illustrate important concepts beautifully.
Guide pratique pour lutter contre le cyber-harcèlement entre élèves France Enseignants et Parents cyberharcèlement Comité syndical européen de l’éducation Sensibiliser les élèves au cyberharcèlement.