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Nom URL Adresse Année de création Public cible Aspects ciblés de la citoyenneté Concepteur Description
Jeu et renseignements personnels : la vie privée en jeu Canada 2019 Secondaire cybersécurité, protection des renseignements personnels, jeux en ligne et utilisation responsable du numérique Le Commissariat à la protection de la vie privée du Canada Sujets traités sur cette page : - Renseignements personnels et jeux - Réglage de vos paramètres de confidentialité - Comment les profils de jeu se connectent à d’autres réseaux - Où se trouve la politique de confidentialité? - Collecte de vos renseignements personnels sans votre consentement - Vol d’identité en ligne - Qui peut accéder à votre profil et à votre liste d’amis? - Sociétés de jeux qui communiquent vos renseignements personnels - Suppression de vos renseignements personnels - Lectures et ressources supplémentaires
Safer Internet Ligue de l'enseignement 3, rue Récamier Primaire, Enseignants et Secondaire cybersécurité La ligue de l’enseignement Sur la plateforme vous retrouverez deux parcours numérique clés en main pour les enseignants et médiateurs éducatifs sur la thématiques des "Ecrans, les autres et moi" : un parcours 7-12 ans et un parcours 13-17 ans, accompagnés de leurs guides pédagogiques
Sur le droit chemin : Enseigner aux enfants un comportement éthique et sécuritaire en ligne - Page portail 205, rue Catherine, Bureau 100 Ottawa, ON Canada K2P 1C3 Parents cybersécurité et utilisation responsable du numérique HabiloMédias Sur le droit chemin : Enseigner aux enfants un comportement éthique et sécuritaire en ligne est un ensemble de ressources qui vise à promouvoir et à encourager chez les jeunes la cybercitoyenneté et des comportements éthiques en ligne.
Cybersmart Challenge Australie Enseignants cyberintimidation et protection des renseignements personnels - Teacher-led activities using animated videos to introduce primary school students to key online safety issues including cyberbullying, protecting personal information and sharing images.
Teaching digital citizenship with picture story books Des Moines, IA, USA 2018 Enseignants utilisation responsable du numérique et achats en ligne Eleni Kyritsis Teaching digital citizenship in a meaningful way can be daunting. These picture books illustrate important concepts beautifully.
Cyberintimidation : les gestes interdits Québec Secondaire cyberintimidation Éducaloi Texter, envoyer des courriels, partager des images sur les réseaux sociaux ou des applications : tout le monde fait ça. C’est banal! Sauf que… certains de ces gestes dépassent les limites et sont considérés comme des infractions. Ils peuvent avoir des conséquences importantes pour la personne qui les pose.
Media Balance Is Important États-Unis Primaire cybersécurité Common Sense Education The Digital Citizens explore the concept of media balance, teaching students how to be mindful of their tech use and how it makes them feel.
The Digizen website Royaume-Uni Secondaire cyberintimidation, éducation aux réseaux sociaux et droit d'auteur Childnet International The Digizen website provides information for educators, parents, carers, and young people. It is used to strengthen their awareness and understanding of what digital citizenship is and encourages users of technology to be and become responsible DIGItal citiZENS. It shares specific advice and resources on issues such as social networking and cyberbullying and how these relate to and affect their own and other people's online experiences and behaviours.
General Suggestions 341 rue Saint-Jean-Bosco Magog, QC J1X 1K9 2020 Primaire et Secondaire nétiquette Eastern Townships School Board Estrie The Eastern Townships School Board Estrie put some ressources to help parents and kids with digital citizenship
The Family Online Safety Institute FOSI Offices FOSI US 1440 G Street NW Washington, DC 20005 United States of America FOSI UK 69 Old Broad Street 7th Floor Dashwood House London EC2M 1QS Parents empreinte numérique, cyberintimidation, cybersécurité, éducation aux réseaux sociaux et utilisation responsable du numérique The Family Online Safety Institute The Family Online Safety Institute is an international, non-profit organization which works to make the online world safer for kids and their families.
Copyright, Plagiarism and Other Web Safety Issues Webwise, Invent Centre, Dublin City University, Ireland 2018 Enseignants et Parents cybersécurité, droit d'auteur et utilisation responsable du numérique The internet has brought about staggering changes in the way information is gathered. Now, in just the click of a button, reams of statistics, stories and anecdotes can be accessed in seconds online.
Digital Literacy Skills: Finding Information Webwise, Invent Centre, Dublin City University, Ireland 2018 Enseignants crédibilité des sites Web The internet has provided us with a wealth of information at our fingertips. The problem with this is, we almost have too much information to choose from. It is sometimes difficult to sort between real information, misinformation, opinions, and bias. Most of us rely on search engines to do the sorting for us but this also isn’t enough. Students need to know how to search accurately and then to evaluate the information they find, our critical thinking guide will help you develop these skills.
My Online Neighborhood États-Unis Primaire cybersécurité Common Sense Education The power of the internet allows students to experience and visit places they might not be able to see in person. But, just like traveling in the real world, it's important for kids to be safe when traveling online. In this video, students learn three rules for keeping their experiences safe and fun.
Social Media Literacy for Change – helping teachers develop their student's social media literacy skills strategically! Bruxelles Enseignants cybersécurité et utilisation responsable du numérique European Schoolnet The Social Media Literacy for Change (sml4change) project, co-funded by the European Commission's Media Literacy for All pilot project, aimed to support European school leaders and teachers to foster social media literacy (SML) in both their school and local community, thus reaching out to citizens at large.
How To Teach Digital Citizenship Through Blogging 7700 Northcross Dr #10291 Austin, TX 78766 2018 Enseignants nétiquette, empreinte numérique et droit d'auteur The Edublogger There are many benefits to having a blogging program in your classroom. One advantage is that blogging can be the perfect avenue to teach digital citizenship.
Dealing with digital stress - Tip Sheet Canada Secondaire utilisation responsable du numérique MediaSmarts There are three main ways of dealing with digital stress. The first is through time management: if your time is better organized, your online life won’t get in the way of other things you need to do. The second is through changing your habits and attitudes to make your digital life less stressful. Finally, it’s important to make time for rest and reflection so that you aren’t constantly under stress.
Cyberbullying Educaloi Québec Secondaire et Collégial cyberintimidation Éducaloi This article presents cyberbullying and its consequences.
Copyright : protecting creative works Québec Secondaire, Collégial et Universitaire droit d'auteur Éducaloi This article presents what is copyright and its consequences.
Collecting Personal Data États-Unis 2017 Secondaire cybersécurité et protection des renseignements personnels Digital Citenship +, Resource Platform This learning experience contains an offline activity, with a challenge that requires a computer or mobile device with Internet access.
Digital citizenship The University of Queensland Brisbane QLD 4072 Australia Enseignants, Collégial et Universitaire nétiquette The University of Queensland Autralia (Library Services) This module will: - explain digital citizenship and its importance to your studies - help you to identify and use appropriate behaviour online - explore the ways the digital world affects your life.
Internet essentials The University of Queensland Brisbane QLD 4072 Australia Enseignants, Collégial et Universitaire cybersécurité The University of Queensland Autralia (Library Services) This module will: help you understand what the internet is and how it is regulated explain the basics of online privacy and cyber security.