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Nom URL Adresse Année de création Public cible Aspects ciblés de la citoyenneté Concepteur Description
The Lost Summer Australie Secondaire cybersécurité eSafety Commissioner «A role-playing video game designed for 11 to 14-year-olds to build digital intelligence skills and encourage safe online experiences. »
The YeS Project Australie Secondaire cyberintimidation eSafety Commissioner «A workshop-based digital and social health program encouraging young people to act as positive leaders and supportive friends in social spaces, especially online. »
Young and eSafe Australie Secondaire utilisation responsable du numérique eSafety Commissioner «Short videos and web content designed to help young people create a positive online world and reinforce respectful and responsible online behaviour.»
eSafetykids Australie Primaire cyberintimidation, protection des renseignements personnels, crédibilité des sites Web, utilisation responsable du numérique et achats en ligne eSafety Commissioner Advice for kids to help them have safe experience online.
eSafetykids Australie Primaire cybersécurité eSafety Commissioner Activités pour montrer aux enfants comment naviguer le web d'une facon sécuritaire
eSafetyparents Australie Parents cyberintimidation et utilisation responsable du numérique eSafety Commissioner Advice for parents and carers to help children have safe experiences online.
The big issues Australie Parents cyberintimidation, cybersécurité et utilisation responsable du numérique eSafety Commissioner «How to help your child deal with online safety issues.»
Cyberbullying A guide to online bullying for parents and carers. Australie Parents cyberintimidation eSafety Commissioner Online bullying can have a devastating impact on young people, whose online life is a key part of their identity and how they interact socially. Cyberbullying behaviour takes many forms, such as sending abusive messages, hurtful images or videos, nasty online gossip, excluding or humiliating others, or creating fake accounts in someone’s name to trick or humiliate them.
Children under 5 Australie Parents cybersécurité eSafety Commissioner «The eSafety Early Years program provides advice on how parents and carers can support young children to have safe and enjoyable experiences online.»
Skills and advice Australie Parents cybersécurité, protection des renseignements personnels et utilisation responsable du numérique eSafety Commissioner «Tips for managing online challenges.»
Webinars for parents and carers Australie Parents cybersécurité eSafety Commissioner «Join one of our webinars for parents and carers. They’re free!These live webinars explore the latest research and expert advice for using technology safely. They are a great way to learn how you can help your child develop the skills to be safer online. »
THE INTERNET & THE LAW Australie Primaire et Secondaire cybersécurité eSafety Commissioner Securité dans l'internet, comment la loi la controle
Strategies for dealing with online risks Australie Primaire cybersécurité et protection des renseignements personnels eSafety Commissioner Histoire pour enfants sur la sécurité en ligne.
Respect matters Australie Secondaire utilisation responsable du numérique eSafety Commissioner Identifying role models from the sporting arena that have a positive social media presence. Looking at students’ current capacity to show respect online. Identifying an area that students can work on in the next 24hrs and beyond to make the internet a better place.
Making Goodchoices online Australie Enseignants cybersécurité et utilisation responsable du numérique eSafety Commissioner Idées d'activités destinées aux enseignants pour montrer aux élèves à utiliser le numérique d'une facon sécuritaire.
Top 5 online safety tips for kids Australie Primaire cybersécurité eSafety Commissioner Cinq conseils à appliquer pour aider les enfants à bien naviguer en ligne.
eSafetyyoungpeople Australie Secondaire empreinte numérique, cyberintimidation, éducation aux réseaux sociaux, protection des renseignements personnels, crédibilité des sites Web et jeux en ligne eSafety Commissioner Useful information to help young people stay safe online.
Catfishing Australie Secondaire cybersécurité et identité numérique eSafety Commissioner «Catfishing is when someone pretends to be someone they’re not by using social media to create a false identity, usually to defraud or scam someone else.»
Consent and sharing photos Australie Secondaire droit à l'image eSafety Commissioner «Do you have consent or permission to share a photo or video of someone? These days it’s routine to take your phone out and start snapping away no matter where you are and what’s happening — almost every event gets captured and recorded.»
Cyberbullying Australie Secondaire cyberintimidation eSafety Commissioner «Cyberbullying is the use of technology to bully a person with the intent to hurt or intimidate them. One in five young people have been bullied online.»
Fake news Australie Secondaire crédibilité des sites Web eSafety Commissioner «Anyone can post a story online and news travels fast on social media. So we need to question what we read and watch, before trusting that it's right.»