How Do Different Social Media Platforms Affect Your Mood?
How Do Different Social Media Platforms Affect Your Mood?
Adresse États-Unis
Année de création
Public cible Primaire et Secondaire
Aspects ciblés de la citoyenneté éducation aux réseaux sociaux

PBS LearningMedia


Do a quick Google search on how social media affects your mood, and the results make it seem like all the social media platforms will plunge you into depression. Facebook shows everyone’s perfect life and exotic vacations. Expertly curated selfies abound on Instagram. But, if you look at the actual research, the results aren’t that simple. In this Above the Noise video, host Myles Bess breaks down the science and cuts through the hype about the link between depression and social media use, and looks at how different social media platforms may affect your brain in different ways.

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