URL | https://education.alberta.ca/media/3227621/digital-citizenship-policy-development-guide.pdf |
Adresse | 10th floor, 44 Capital Boulevard 10044-108 Street, Edmonton, AB T5J 5E6 |
Année de création | 2012 |
Public cible | Enseignants et Parents |
Aspects ciblés de la citoyenneté | nétiquette et utilisation responsable du numérique |
Alberta Education (School Technology Branch)
Education leaders are re-examining acceptable use policies in light of the increasing use of
highly mobile information technologies. While acceptable use policies were developed to
manage and control behaviour, a digital citizenship policy takes a more comprehensive
approach by recognizing the important role of education in preparing digital citizens. The
intent of this guide is not to ascribe policy, but rather to offer guidance to leaders as they
strive to better meet student and organizational needs. The guide provides an overview of
digital citizenship policies and practices. It draws from research and the practical
experience of Alberta schools.