Digital games in schools: A handbook for teachers
Digital games in schools: A handbook for teachers
Adresse Bruxelles
Année de création
Public cible Enseignants
Aspects ciblés de la citoyenneté utilisation responsable du numérique

Dr. Patrick Felicia, Lecturer, Researcher,
Department of Computer Science, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland


«This handbook is intended for teachers interested in
using digital games in their lessons. It provides the
necessary information to understand the educational
benefits of digital games and to learn how to use
them as educational and motivational resources.
After reading this handbook, you should be able to
make informed decisions on the choice and use of
digital games in the classroom, and obtain all the
benefits digital games can offer. This handbook is
a practical guide aimed at providing you with
theoretical and practical information. It is an
introduction to the educational use of digital games
and it provides references to useful resources such
as articles, websites and books where you can find
additional information.»